Will Paris Finally Wakeup America
November 14th, 2015
On November 13, 2015, Obama assured America and the world “ISIS was not getting stronger, we have contained them”. His usual pathological lying was evinced hours later when Muslim terrorists, supposedly ISIS but Muslim vermin nonetheless, brutally attacked hundreds of innocent people throughout Paris and summarily slaughtered more than 129. This occurred while Paris was under a ‘high terror alert’.

France Was The Muslim’s Perfect Target: Common sense tells us that these attacks were well planned by professionals over a period of time and perfectly executed. It should be abundantly clear that the Muslim terrorists did not simply waltz into Paris on 11/13/15 and start shooting it up for the sake of terror in the name of Allah. France’s open border policy and warm, eager welcome to all Muslims provided the perfect environment and training ground for these barbarians to go unnoticed while planning, rehearsing, and executing their attacks.

Europe’s Comeuppance For Opening Borders To Muslims: France is one of the European countries that enthusiastically opened its borders to and warmly embraced indigent tribal Muslims. Angela Merkel is leading the charge and inundating Germany with hundreds of thousands of Muslims falsely claiming to be Syrian ‘refugees’ seeking political asylum. Once landed Muslims are fed, clothed, housed, and provided with money. The crude tribal culture inherent in Islam naturally accompanies them to the host country where they eagerly partake in their favorite activities:

  • Violence
• Theft
• Raping women and children
• Establishing Sharia law
• Ingratitude

As a result of Europe’s stupidity in opening its doors to all Muslims, disease infested or not, without the slightest thought of a vetting process their countries are being overrun and ravaged by incalculable hordes of these feral animals with tribal cultures. I wrote extensively on the Muslim invasion of Europe in my 9/27/15 blog which I encourage you to read for additional information at Suthenboy Archives.

Wise European Countries Say Enough: The Muslim situation in Europe with Islam’s inherent tribal culture of violence, disrespect for local laws and citizens, lack of personal hygiene, and indifference towards the environment, is now out of control. The leaders of many countries are facing rebellion by their citizenry and rightly so. It is important to note that 99% of the Muslim invaders are strong young men; not ‘needy’ refugees consisting of the elderly, women, and children as they are deceitfully and intentionally portrayed by their brother Obama and his ilk of amoral liars comprising the MSM.

Europe’s Muslim Invasion Experience: For skeptics and those of you genuinely interested in the truth about the adverse ramifications Europe is sustaining as a direct result of allowing Muslims to invade their countries en-masse, I encourage you to view and ponder this shocking video: Pay close attention to the following:

  • Thousands of Muslims marching through Europe like massive invading armies
• Muslims yelling ‘allahu akbar’ while swearing at and otherwise insulting their foolish hosts
• Muslims threatening to annihilate European Whites through mass forced inbreeding
• Unbelievable comments by citizens

Also bear in mind that but for the Atlantic Ocean the same ilk of Muslim barbarians would be marching through and ravaging America, her citizens, traditions, and culture at the open invitation of Obama and Congress.

Muslim Terrorist Cells In America: It would be remiss to think that only a handful of active Muslim terror cells exist in America. These savages easily blend in to our society as they did in Paris and as they did prior to their handiwork on 9/11. Today, however, Muslims have the benefit of political correctness protecting them from being profiled, watched, or otherwise surveilled because such ‘intrusive’ conduct would be ‘offensive’ to Obama’s precious darlings.

This wide umbrella of protection affords Muslim vermin more opportunity, time, and freedom of movement to carefully plan and rehearse their nefarious attacks against America… and they will be forthcoming. In my opinion it would represent the height of naivety to believe such planning has not been in process under the authorities noses for quite some time because America represents the grand prize for Islam and ultimately another caliphate.

Indifference To America’s Security: Meanwhile, notwithstanding the security of America, Obama and his Congressional sycophants are illegally importing indigent tribal Muslims by the hundreds of thousands under the ruse of classifying the Godforsaken animals as political asylees. To further compound the obvious terror threat, the DHS has categorically stated that it is impossible to vet these Muslim aliens. However, that ‘up-beat’ news has not deterred Obama and Congress from accelerating and increasing the number of tribal Muslims they are shoving down America’s throat. Obama’s policy is not unlike politically correct Hollande and his ilk of fools in France who are now paying an extremely high price for their inexcusable gross negligence clearly bordering on if not treason per se.

Hollonde ordered France’s borders closed just a tad late: America’s virtual borders remain open to the world’s non-White indigent tribal filth. They are porous and ineffective thanks to Obama’s lax immigration policy and ordering Borer Patrol Agents to provide requisite first aid to all aliens entering the US illegally before enforcing immigration laws. I’m sure Muslim terrorists are well aware of and have tested the ease of access to American soil.

Obama’s Congressional Sycophants: The majority of Congress aggressively supports Obama’s illegal immigration, illegal amnesty, and open border policy for all indigent, depraved, non-White tribal filth. In my opinion they will express their faux thoughts on Paris, call the slaughter an aberration that will not occur in America, defend Muslims, and then spew the usual political effluvium. Following Obama’s lead, not one of them will have the guts to speak truthfully and call the barbarians murderers in Paris Muslims. Good luck with that!

Your next vote is crucial to the security and greatness of America that has been intentionally eroded over the past 6 ½ years. Remember the people in Congress that supported Obama’s illegal immigration and blanket amnesty for all illegals in our country.

Dan Nurnberger
November 28th, 2015 3:06 am
America needs to wake up fast...we need to purge our country of these non Americans.Time to fight for CHRISTIANITY.Time to save our children's Future
November 23rd, 2015 2:56 pm
Having worked for two administrations I still can't believe this man has not been impeached. Those RINOs who have supported him must be identified and dealt with.
November 18th, 2015 9:08 pm
I keep up with current events better than most folks I know. In fact, when I attempt to share what's going on I generally am met with a blank, glazed over "I'm not interested" look.

I'd pretty much given up on keeping friends and family abreast of critical events; however, this article is so well written and, added with the video, a must-read/view for all. I will be passing this on and hope the seriousness of our Country's situation will finally sink in. The truthful message is terribly disturbing and needs to be heard and taken seriously. Thank you for taking the time and effort in educating us all. Karen.
November 14th, 2015 5:23 pm
You would think that after the recent events in France that the world and particularly the US would wake up and realize the dangers of bringing over Muslims from the middle east.But noooooooo.Those democrats want there extra votes.And the people who have enough common sense to stand up and speak up against it will instantly be labeled racists and haters.
The places that these people come from have very different values and culture then the west.So different that they are barbaric.They are not the kind of things that we want happening in our country.All you have to do is go on YouTube and watch the videos of what there doing and the victims that they kill and rape.It's perfectly legal to rape in Muslim cultures.And there bringing it to Europe and soon the US thanks to Obama.All we have to do is look at Europe to see what would happen to us.Lets not close our eyes to it people.
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