The Effective Psychology of Political Correctness
September 25th, 2013


Political Correctness is a devious Cultural Marxist psychological command and control concept used for the purpose of forcing mass compliance with uniformity in thought, speech, and behavior. Presently this is achieved by strongly suggesting that in order for one not to be considered a racist, fascist, anarchist, insane, or other defamatory term de jour, they must be nonjudgmental and unequivocally embrace today’s moral absolutes. Included therein are peace, diversity, tolerance, social justice, economic justice, choice, sensitivity, sexual orientation, and inclusion.

The psychology underpinning the effectiveness of modern day Political Correctness is integral to the concept of “Psychopolitics”. Laventi Beria best describes it in his book, “The Russian Manual on Psychopolitics”, written in the 1930s. Beria was the head of Soviet Secret Police, Stalin’s right hand man during WWII, and well versed in behavioral psychology. His book instructs Communist agents on how to brainwash people and subvert entire populations primarily through the use of psychology. More simply stated, it provided explicit instructions on how to conquer a nation without the use of military force.

Beria’s definition of Psychopolitics is as follows:

“Psychopolitics is the art and science of asserting and maintaining dominion over the thoughts and loyalties of individuals, officers, bureaus, and masses and the effecting of the conquest of enemy nations through mental healing.”

Succinctly put, Psychopolitics is the art and science of forcing people to submit to and obey a superior power. In part, Beria said the following in discussing obedience:

"Obedience is the result of force... A population overridden, conquered by war, is obedient to its conqueror… because its conqueror has exerted more force. Force comes in many forms… it is the antithesis of humanizing actions. It is so synonymous in the human mind with savageness, lawlessness, brutality, and barbarism, that it is only necessary to display an inhuman attitude toward people to be granted by those people the possessions of force."


The force referred to is not brutality, but rather the verbal degradation of man to the point of submission and compliance. Beria posited the following on the effect of degradation:

“Degrading the individual’s will and character could be accomplished much more insidiously and much more effectively by consistent and continual defamation. By attacking the character and morals of man himself, and by bringing about a general degraded feeling through contaminating youth, command of the populace is facilitated to a marked degree.” 

Not surprisingly, Psychopolitics precisely describes the psychological tactics radical disciples of the Frankfurt School’s cultural Marxists are successfully using today to force Americans in every walk of life to obey their Leftist dictates. This is pure Marxist cultural terrorism hiding behind the innocuous label of Political Correctness in order to facilitate propagation and gain easy acceptability. The destructive ideology of these Marxist disciples is rampant throughout and significantly affects every major institution that can influence American culture. These important fields of endeavor include academia, politics, entertainment and media, bureaucracies and institutions, law, military, and religion.

The psychology of Political Correctness is also the weapon of choice for today’s so called “sacred oppressed victims” groups that are encouraged and strongly supported by the same radical disciples of the Frankfurt School. These miscreants know very well that the ultimate trump card is claiming to be offended in some manner... typically race or gender. Included in that stellar group are the radical gender feminists, black, Hispanic, and Muslim extremists, anti-war ‘peace' activists, animal rights groups, radical environmentalists, and ‘gay' rights groups. These groups pursue their radical agenda through organizations such as the Gay Straight Lesbian Educators Network (GSLEN), the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), People for the American Way, United for Peace and Justice, Planned Parenthood, Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), Code Pink for Peace, ACORN, NAN and PUSH.

Regardless of the field of endeavor or situation in which the toxic venom of Political Correctness is spewed, its application and consequences for non-compliance are the same. The perceived violator is relentlessly and unmercifully defamed and humiliated to the point of open submission or tacit acceptance through silence. In many instances the consequence includes punitive measures such as being discredited, fired, suspended or demoted, failing grades, being ostracized from a group, voted out of or recalled from political office, sued, exiled to sensitivity training, and other such vengeful actions.

Today’s 24 X 7 live news coverage enables us to view countless examples of Political Correctness and its underlying psychology being implemented with successful results. A glaring example is the multitude of spineless high ranking DC Congressmen and women, primarily Republicans, who refer to  themselves as moderates, centrists, and RINOs, displaying the scars and utter fear of Beria’s Psychopolitical obedience techniques. In lieu of opining and risking the displeasure, ire, or defamatory comments leveled at them by obedience trainers these cowardly sheep remain mute and tolerate everything. They should abandon the ridiculous names and form a new part accurately named DC Amoebas.

Another perfect example in the political arena of filth is hearing ranking Congressional Democrats force Republican counterparts into submission and compliance by incessantly disparaging them. Their favorite terms of denigration always include racist, fascist, and anarchist... and they always seem to work.

In 1943 the Moscow Central Committee laid down the following edict:

"Members and front organizations must continually embarrass, discredit, and degrade our critics. When obstructionists become too irritating, label them as fascists, Nazi, or anti-Semitic... The association will, after enough repetition, become 'fact' in the public mind."

This is clearly the mantra underlying the political rhetoric and mean spirited name calling today. Its source and ideology of the people using it is not coincidental








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